H-PCS Fiber Application Solutions

1.What is H-PCS fiber optic cable?    

H-PCS is also called H-PCF/HCS/PCS

Suitable for offices and industrial areas, ultra-high-speed fiber optic cables for secure data transmission, available in POF (polymer optical fiber), PCF (plastic clad optical fiber) or GOF (glass optical fiber), including single-mode, multi-mode and composite types, A highly flexible drag chain application design is also available for interference-free data transmission at the speed of light.    


2.Features of H-PCF/HPCS/HCS/PCS fiber optic cable    

1. Reduce system cost:

The cost of optical modules for transmitting/receiving optical signals dominates the total cost of optical data transmission systems. By reducing the cost of the optical modules, the total cost of the optical data transmission system can also be reduced

2. Crimp and cut connectors are suitable:
For traditional glue-and-polish optical connectors, the time-consuming gluing process and skill-requiring polishing process make them difficult to terminate in the field, driving up costs

3. Lower attenuation even for short/medium distance cables:
In case of H-PCF: Quartz glass core - lower attenuation and long distance transmission (about 1 km) possible - provides highly reliable system ensuring improved system margin
In case of POF: higher attenuation and long distance transmission impossible (about tens of meters)  

3.H-PCF/HPCS/HCS/PCS fiber optic cable application


Shenzhen Jinzhi Optoelectronics Technology Co., Ltd. provides all fiber optic cables, connectors, jumpers for H-PCF application solutions    

1.Jinzhi provides H-PCF/HPCS/HCS/PCS fiber optic cable    

1)PCF DUPLEX FRNC-PUR indoor/outdoor

product description:
Flame Retardant Halogen Free Outer Sheath Separable Dual Core Polymer Clad Glass Optical Fiber Cable
and stress relief

- Indoor/Outdoor; for fixed installations in harsh industrial environments
- Direct connector assembly


2)PCF Polymer Cladded Fiber


3).Optical Fibers and Cables

The fiber optic cable series utilizes high strength properties, fluoroacrylate coating technology, and at the same time improves bandwidth through graded index fiber design. Most similar to OM-1 grade fiber optic cable with 62.5/200/230 GiHCS fiber optic cable GiHCS cable supports fast and gigabit Ethernet, available in LSZH and OFNR Riser fire safety ratings, including indoor and indoor/outdoor cable designs These industrial cables are crimp & cleave compatible for quick and easy field connection in harsh environments.


4).H-PCF (Hard Plastic Cladding Fiber)


5).FO pigtail 


6).POF/PCF FOC Terminal Kit    

Compact, Rugged POF and PCF Fiber Optic Cables
Special version for easy assembly of SC RJ plugs on POF and PCF fiber optic cables
Use the included microscope to check the quality of the assembly.    







Welcome to browse our company's solutions related to industrial applications. If you need further understanding of 

technical knowledge and product information, the contact information is as follows: 

Toll free: 400-160-8187 E-mail: sales@kinz-pof.com Website: www.kinz-pof .com